The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Senior Major of State Security Iulian Lvovich Zverev

Zverev, Iulian Lvovich

Senior Major of State Security

* 21st of June 1895

† 7th of September 1938


(Юлиан Львович Зверев)


1935-12-04 Senior Major of State Security


1932-12-22 1934-05-21 Chief of the Economical Section, Plenipotentiary Representative of United State Political Administration OGPU, Leningrad Military District
1934-05-21 1934-07-XX Head of United State Political Administration OGPU, Turkmenistan SSR
1937-07-XX 1937-07-20 People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Turkmenistan SSR
1937-10-21 1938-09-07 Arrested
1938-09-07 Condemned to death
1938-09-07 Executed
1958-01-23 Rehabilitated
Picture source:Зверев,_Юлиан_Львович