The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau

von Reichenau, Walter

Field Marshal

* 8th of October 1884

† 17th of January 1942


1929-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-02-01 Colonel
1934-02-01 Major-General
1935-10-01 Lieutenant-General
1936-10-01 General of Artillery
1939-10-01 Colonel-General
1940-07-19 Field Marshal


1927-10-01 1929-10-01 Chief of Staff, Inspectorate of Signal Troops
1929-10-01 1931-01-31 Chief of Staff, 1st Infantry Division
1931-01-31 1934-04-01 Chief of Staff, Military District I
1934-04-01 1935-05-21 Chief of Minister Office, Reichwehr Ministry
1935-05-21 1935-07-01 Chief of Minister Office, Ministry of War
1935-07-01 1935-10-01 Chief of Armed Forces Office, Ministry of War
1935-10-01 1938-02-04 General Officer Commanding VII Corps
1938-02-04 1939-08-26 Commander in Chief Group Command 4
1939-08-26 1939-10-19 General Officer ComGroup Commanding 10th Army [Poland]
1939-10-20 1941-12-01 General Officer Commanding 6th Army [Poland - Belgium - France - Eastern Front]
1941-12-01 1942-01-17 Commander in Chief Army Group South [Eastern Front]
1942-01-17 Died of a heart attack
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