The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Enno von Rintelen

von Rintelen, Enno

General of Infantry

* 6th of November 1891

† 7th of August 1971


1933-12-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-10-01 Colonel
1939-06-01 Major-General
1941-06-01 Lieutenant-General
1942-07-01 General of Infantry


1933-10-01 1934-10-01 Attached to Military Region Command Potsdam
1934-10-01 1935-10-01 Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, Infantry Regiment Döberitz
1935-10-01 1936-10-06 Attached to the Armed Forces Academy
1936-10-06 1943-08-31 Military Attaché to Italy
1936-11-05 1939-04-07 Military Attaché to Albania
1940-10-03 1943-09-01 German General with the Italian High Command
1943-09-01 1944-12-31 Unemployed
1944-12-31 Retired