The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Franz von Roques

von Roques, Franz

General of Infantry

* 1st of September 1877

† 7th of August 1967


1923-02-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-01-01 Colonel
1931-02-01 Major-General
1933-01-01 Lieutenant-General
1941-07-01 General of Infantry (at Disposal)


1923-07-XX 1929-04-01 Chief of Staff, Inspectorate of Signal Troops
1929-04-01 1931-02-01 Inspector of Signal Troops
1931-02-01 1933-09-30 Infantry Leader VI
1933-09-30 Retired
1939-09-26 Recalled
1939-09-26 1940-06-01 General Officer Commanding 177th Infantry Division
1940-06-01 1941-03-16 General for Special Employment I
1941-03-16 1943-04-01 General Officer Commanding Security Troops & Army Group Rear Area North
1943-04-01 1943-07-31 Unemployed
1943-07-31 Retired
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