The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Field Marshal Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt

von Rundstedt, Karl Rudolf Gerd

Field Marshal

* 12th of December 1875

† 24th of February 1953


1920-10-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1923-02-01 Colonel
1927-11-01 Major-General
1929-03-01 Lieutenant-General
1932-10-01 General of Infantry
1938-03-01 Colonel-General
1940-07-19 Field Marshal


1920-10-01 1923-10-01 Chief of Staff, 3rd Cavalry Division
1923-10-01 1925-03-01 Chief of Staff, 2nd Infantry Division
1925-03-01 1926-10-01 Commanding Officer 18th Infantry Regiment
1926-10-01 1928-11-01 Chief of Staff, Group Command 2
1928-11-01 1932-01-01 General Officer Commanding 2nd Cavalry Division
1932-01-01 1932-10-01 General Officer Commanding Military District III
1932-01-01 1932-10-01 General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division
1932-10-01 1938-10-31 Commander in Chief Group Command 1
1938-10-31 Retired
1939-06-01 Recalled
1939-06-01 1939-08-26 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of the Army
1939-08-26 1939-10-01 Commander in Chief Army Group South [Poland]
1939-10-01 1939-10-20 Commander in Chief East
1939-10-20 1941-06-10 Commander in Chief Army Group A [France]
1940-10-10 1941-04-01 Commander in Chief West
1941-06-10 1941-12-03 Commander in Chief Army Group South [Eastern Front]
1941-12-02 1942-03-08 Unemployed
1942-03-08 1942-05-01 Acting Commander in Chief West
1942-03-08 1942-05-01 Commander in Chief Army Group D [France]
1942-05-01 1944-07-02 Commander in Chief West
1942-05-01 1944-07-02 Commander in Chief Army Group D [France]
1944-07-02 1944-09-04 Unemployed
1944-09-04 1945-03-10 Commander in Chief West
1945-03-10 1945-05-01 Unemployed
1945-05-01 1945-07-XX Prisoner of War, US Captivity
1945-07-XX 1949-05-26 Prisoner of War, British Captivity
1949-05-26 Released
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/300568